Player Provided for ZX Spectrum?

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  • #30696

    Hello. I am trying to add an AKM file that I composed to a TZX/TAP program. I have the address preset and the assembly prepared, but I am struggling to look for a player routine that is compatible with both the ZX Spectrum 128k/Timex-Sinclair 2068. I can export a 48k-compatible song without fault on trackers like 1Tracker and Beepola which include provided players that effortlessly play the songs without special programming knowledge, so I am curious as to why this tracker does not provide a player routine that will just plain old run on a ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC/Atari ST. Every time I try to execute the AKY or AKM file onto the emulator, the computer just crashes into 48k mode. It is incredibly frustrating not being able to understand how to resolve this hurdle.



    Sorry for your troubles. Did you check the “PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm” tester in the AKM folder? The procedure is explained in the comments at the top, I tested it and it works fine. The player has been successfully used by many users (I don’t know about the Timex-Sinclair though).

    The tester simply builds an executable, which you can then embed into a SNApshot for a quick test.


    I have the ASM file you mentioned in my folders, but how do I use it? I have zero knowledge of using assemblers outside of ZX Block Editor. Just looking at the process is confusing me. How do I assemble it?


    Well, to be honest it’s going to be tough using a Z80 player if you have no knowledge of how to compile it.

    However, as explained in the header, use Rasm to assemble the tester. It will be you a binary file. Then use the “makesna” command to create a snapshot, which you can drag’n’drop in a ZX emulator.


    Of course, this is just a tester and I give you a way to test it by generating a SNApshot. But in a real project, you will want to call the player (like the player does) in your own code, once a frame. This is sadly a bit beyond my ability to teach you how to do that in your own project, since I don’t know anything about it and your usual tools.


    I’ll do that. While my emulator cannot accept SNA files, I *can* convert it into a TZX file using the aforementioned ZX Block Editor and have it play that way, and as a bonus, the emulator can also make a WAV file of the TZX file to make a *real* tape! Thank you so much for your help!


    Okay. I am using all known Z80-based assemblers I could find, including yours. All show the same error messages:

    “PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm”: 39 : Label Not Found : “PLY_AKM_Init”
    “PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm”: 56 : Label Not Found : “PLY_AKM_Play”
    “PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm”: 87 : Syntax Error
    “PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm”: 89 : Missing If
    nErrors = 4 nRedef = 0 nUndef = 4

    It will not proceed to make a binary due to these errors. What do I do next?


    Also, every time I drag the ASM file you specified into the RASM.exe file that you recommend, all I get is a window of a command prompt that appears all too briefly, and I see nothing appearing. It is extremely irritating trying to figure this out because I’m *not* a Command-Line kind of person and I get annoyed when all I see is text instead of a new binary file added into the same folder. I just want to drag the ASM file and have a binary file without the struggles of manually compiling it. A tool that I had in mind would say the following:

    “Please drag your .ASM file here or click Open Source.” (Drags PlayerAkmTester_SPECTRUM_PENTAGON.asm to prompt box with mouse)
    “Where do you want your data located? Please type the Address of choice in Hex or Decimal form.” (Types 58000 or 32768, etc)
    “Okay. Which kind of Z80-based system do you want to Compile for?” (Types ZX Spectrum or Amstrad CPC)

    I know I’m not, but I feel incredibly dumb on this kind of stuff and not being able to figure out how this works… if it isn’t inconvenient for you, is it possible that I can email you the AKM file itself and have it compiled into an SNA through you? The song you should hear is a rendition of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” and the address I want to compile it and play back from the routine is at Decimal 58000. I understand if you are not able to or choose not to.


    Rasm is a command line tool. It’s simple to use. No drag’n’drop will work, that’s for sure.

    I’m sorry but I cannot do that for you. I already spend a lot of time developing the software, correcting the bugs and so on. The software is already provided with a lot of doc for you to do that on your own. You won’t regret the effort you’d invest in learning basic command line tools, as you’ll be able to use this knowledge in a lot of other domains.


    Good news: I’ve figured it out and got it playing not only on the ZX Spectrum 128k, but also on the Timex-Sinclair 2068, albiet a slightly faster speed to compensate the 60 hz difference. I appreciate your help! Thank you so much! Isn’t it satisfying when multiple regions of vintage hardware can all play the same software without modifications?


    That’s awesome! Glad you managed to make it work. I’m sure you learned some stuff along the way :). See ya!

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