Good evening
I recently found a mod file with a music I liked, and when I imported it in Arkos Tracker 2 V2.0.0a9 on windows 10, it was successfully converted.
It played nicely on Windows and I was impatient to hear it on a CPC in a locomotive basic program. I had done this a few months ago and that was easy when following this documentation :
Basic (CPC) integration
But when I do the same thing for this song, I have only silence !
I tried to export the music as AKY instead of AKG with no more luck !
Maybe it is because the song use sound effects and my previous song didn’t but I don’t know.
Here is the link of this music in AKS format and the DSK I made and tested in winape (And I have checked, the sound volume was ok and even heard the emulated floppy drive sound !).
I’d really appreciate some help for this, I am planning to show this on a stream on twitch and this song sounds great.