Thank you for the explanations.
There are a few things that could be improved.
Copy-paste in the instrument editor, the ability to modify the value of multiple selected cells simultaneously, and why not the ability to interpolate data from a block.
In the pattern editor, it would be good to be able to modify values under the cursor with ctrl+arrows as we can do with notes, as well as being able to enter numerical values directly on the numeric keypad rather than shift+num and we can’t reassign the keys for that.
Being able to modify the interface colors would be nice.
In the YM-analyser, I find the export limitation of 64 ticks very strange.
Something really cool would be a global pitch set/up/down control FX per channel, an effect that shifts the channel’s period at the very end if you see what I mean.
Another nice thing would be to be able to control the noise frequency directly in the pattern, for example using a pitch table to modulate the noise as we can do for instruments…
These are some ideas… Thanks.