How to play Atari digidrums?

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  • #29405

    First, thank you for this awesome tool!

    on V2.0.0 alpha 4, I opened ‘saboteur’ then saved the track as a .ym

    I tried to open the generated track with:

    – ay_emul: ( : files do play but we hear no digi

    or aylet ( aylet refuses to open the file

    So how can you play the generated .ym files ?

    Thanks a lot



    Using St-Sound with these files works perfectly. I suspect ay_emul to be buggy, because it accepts the “classic” YMs you find on the net, but the digidrums from Sarkoteur have a higher frequency then the ones you find in classics such as Turrican 2, Chambers Of Shaolin and so on. I suspect it doesn’t know how to play these. But ST Sound does! And it is the reference, since it was made by Leonard, which invented the YM :).

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