Exporter en YM avec les samples / Export to YM with samples

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  • #30413

    Bonjour, je tente d’exporter en YM en gardant les samples, sauf que je ne les entends pas. Est-ce normal ? Est-ce un soucis avec mon lecteur audio (ZXTune dans ce cas) ? Comment je peux faire pour exporter un YM avec des samples ? Merci d’avance.

    Hello, I try to export to YM keeping samples, but I can’t hear them. Is it normal? Is it a problem with my audio player (ZXTune in this case)? How can I export to YM keeping samples? Thanks for the answer.



    Only the samples in the “events” column (at the full right) are exported in YM. This is logical, because the YM format does not support the “melodic” samples (no notes are allowed). As a test, load the “Sarkboteur” song in the archive and try to export it in YM. The generated YM works well with the venerable YM sound by Leonard.

    Tell me if it works!


    Seems to work, but can I play samples on multiples channels at once?


    The YM format does not allow playing several samples at once, so obviously the AT2 YM export won’t.

    For now, only the (Z80) included MOD player allows to play samples on all channels. But it’s sample only, no PSG sound.

    If you want more than that, you’ll have to make your own player… for now! I didn’t do it because not many people seem interested in mixing PSG and Sample sounds, besides digidrums. And it would be a really platform-dependent code, and would use 100% of the CPU. So unless many people ask me to do it, I probably won’t do it.


    I need to run the player on real hardware / emulator right? Is it possible to run it on Windows?

    I try to do something similar to ZX Spectrum’s Sample Tracker musics, the problem with Sample Tracker is I have to run it on real hardware / emulator and it doesn’t support WAVs files.


    I checked the Sample Tracker, and like I expected, this has nothing to do with YM. YM plays “straight” sample, you cannot make melodies with them.

    What you need is a MOD player. There is one with AT2, in the package. However, only an Amstrad CPC Mod player is available. And this is Z80 so yes, you will need the hardware, emulator or not.

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