In the source of PlayerAky9Channels_SPECNEXT.asm you have
PLY_AKY_PSG1_REGISTER: equ %11011111 ;Register to select to address the PSG1 later on.
PLY_AKY_PSG2_REGISTER: equ %11111110 ;Register to select to address the PSG2 later on.
PLY_AKY_PSG3_REGISTER: equ %10111101 ;Register to select to address the PSG3 later on.
This is incorrect, the addresses should be 255,254,253
PLY_AKY_PSG1_REGISTER: equ %11111111 ;Register to select to address the PSG1 later on.
PLY_AKY_PSG2_REGISTER: equ %11111110 ;Register to select to address the PSG2 later on.
PLY_AKY_PSG3_REGISTER: equ %11111101 ;Register to select to address the PSG3 later on.
After making the fix LastV8 (Music9Channels.asm) does not have missing channels and sounds perfect.