AKM player SJASM assembler

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    Hi, I would like yo use The AKM player in a MSX game that I’m developing using The SJASM Z80 assembler.
    Is there any example in SJASM?

    Thanks you.



    The players are made to be assembled with Rasm. However, they can be “translated” into any other assembler via a “source converter” called Disark. Check the tutorial here:

    Using a song in production, using any assembler

    There is no “source profile” specific to SJasm, but by using another profile such as Winape, it should work perfectly, or you can create your own specific output, so don’t worry.


    I have followed the steps of the tutorial and it works for AKG player.
    I have created a 32K rom, assambled with sjasmPlus, that play the music. 🙂
    But I can’t do the same for AKM player. I have followed the same steps ( rasm compilation, disark generation of resources and, finally, sjasmPlus compilation to create the rom) but the rom created does not play any music.
    I suppose I have missed something. But I don’t know what else to try. Is there a difference in the steps between AKG and AKM?

    Thank you


    Hi, the process is the same. Make sure you include the right player! Maybe you did a small error in the process? I know some people managed to make it work.

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