Adding note to sfx playing

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  • #30269

    First, thanks Julien for this amazing piece of code.

    It will be nice if you can add note as parameter for the sound effect player. Something like:

    ld a,soundEffectNumber ;(>=1)
    ld c,channel ;(0-2)
    ld b,invertedVolume ;(0-16 (0=full volume))
    ld d,note (0=C0, xx=B9)
    call PLY_AKG_PlaySoundEffect

    It will be very useful to do some dynamic effects with less memory. For example Im doing a bonus count and have to export the same sfx with 10 differents notes.

    Can be useful too in games to reuse sfx, like dynamic wheater effects, music games, etc.

    Thank you in advance.


    Hi! Thanks.

    As for the note, this is not really possible, because the sound effects are only an optimized stream of PSG data (volume, periods, etc.). So there is no “note” or any musical info. This was done for two reasons:
    – Efficiency (the sfx player is fast, no need to calculate anything)
    – The same code and data can be used in all four players, it was important that all the sfxs could work with all the players, regardless of their limitations. It was also a huge gain for me, no need to code 4 different sfx players.

    However, what you can do is modify the sound effects in real-time. The format is very simple and is described in the documentation inside the package. I’ve already done it for car engine, bomb dropped, etc.

    Maybe, in the future, I could add a “add period” to a channel. It would not be musical, so wouldn’t work for arpeggios sounds (they would sound off-key), but would be enough for most sfx.

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