A new version of Arkos planed ?

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  • #30628

    Quick question to the creator of Arkos Tracker :):
    Do you plan to add more functionality to the tracker in the future such as, for example, a real volume glide (which for the moment can only evolve by fairly audible levels), a vibrato or other effects ?

    I ask because I was thinking of redoing the music of Barbarian by Palace Software or The Sacred Armor of Antiriad, among others. Except for the moment, I think that Arkos Tracker lacks a lot of features to be able to do this.



    Like I said in a sticky post, I don’t do CPC for now, so no new version planned.

    However, I can assure you that AT2 is the most fully-featured soundtracker for AY :).What you want to do exists already.

    – For the vibrato, use the P command and create a Pitch Table, with value 0,1,2,1,0,-1,-2,-1 for example. There are many ways to make a vibrato, so it was much interesting to consider it as a pitch than create a Vibrato command that would surely be limited. Open the “A Harmless Grenade” to see some examples.

    – As for the volume glide, the I/O commands are extremely precise, timing wise. However, please note that the AY only has 15 volumes, and is logarithmic. So the volume difference between F and E is much bigger than E and D, and so on. So doing a really slow fade in/out will reveal these steps. One trick is to use softer sound (starting at D for example). Another, if you are using two fade in/outs in two channels, is to shift them so that the steps aren’t hear both at the same time.

    On a general side, I suggest you open the “Hocus Pocus” demo song, there are a lot of tricks inside.

    If you miss any feature, let me know. But I can assure you that AT2 can do 100% of these old songs without any problem.

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