Arkos Tracker and the Z80 players are coded and designed by Julien Névo a.k.a Targhan/Arkos.
Application logo by Leïla R.
- 68000 AKY player by ggn.
- Apple2/Oric 6502 AKY player by Arnaud Cocquière.
- Atari XE/XL 6502 AKY player by Krzysztof Dudek.
Huge thanks to them for their hard work!
Third parties software
- Rasm by Roudoudou/Flower Corp - a Z80 assembler, used to assemble the generated Z80 sources into binaries.
- LZH depack code by Haruhiko Okumura (1991) and Kerwin F. Medina (1996). C++ wrapper by Arnaud Carré (Leonard) - used to depack YM files.
- Serial by William Woodall and John Harrison, a cross-platform serial port communication library.
- libz80 by Gabriel Gambetta and Wayne Conrad - a Z80 emulator, used for some test units.
- Speaker emulation based on RBJ Biquad HighPass by Vincent Falco.
Special thanks
Thanks to Grim/Arkos for the AY volume measurements.
Thanks to Benjamin Gérard for the YM volume measurements.
Thanks to Zik for his insights, suggestions, and the nice debates about players and music software.
Thanks to TotO for his PlayCity and great CPC hardware.